An AHPRA registered psychologist

coach and board-approved supervisor with over fifteen years’ experience working in diverse sectors, I am passionate about working with leaders and teams and understanding how individuals and groups function most effectively to achieve incredible things. I believe that everyone has the right to work and be psychologically safe at work, and this can be realised through the design and implementation of leadership and talent initiatives that create a positive workplace climate.

Having worked in a variety of leadership roles for
Financial and Professional services firms, I specialise in
  • Leadership & talent design, development & assessment
  • Individual & group coaching
  • Organisational climate & culture change
  • Diversity, inclusion & belonging
  • Psychological safety
  • Managing psychosocial hazards
  • Increasing wellbeing & resilience
  • Positive psychology interventions, mindfulness & meditation

Passionate about continuously learning, I am also completing a Master of Science in Coaching Psychology from the University of Sydney where I am researching the ways in which leaders create psychologically safe workplaces in the virtual world. In a post pandemic, hybrid world of work, the role of the leader in enabling teams to connect and feel safe is vital, but more complex than ever before

A member of the Australian Psychological Society and British Psychological Society, I hold a Bachelor of Psychology (Hons) and Master of Psychology (Organisational) from the University of New South Wales. I am also on the Adjunct Faculty of the Australian Graduate School of Management (AGSM).

On a personal note, I am an avid runner having completed several half marathons, a regular yoga participant and mindfulness practitioner and student. I am also passionate about the welfare of animals and volunteer at the Sydney Dog & Cat Home.